Intellectual Property in the Small Arms Field


IP Supporting the Business of Freedom

Underpinning any industry that involves machinery, technology, and the performance of innovation in the real world, is intellectual property law. Whether it takes the form of patents protecting designs in firearms and ammunition, the safeguard of trade secrets and confidential business methods, or the establishment and maintenance of the unique trademarks critical to market success, the legal framework governing all types of intellectual property are a necessary and vital component to the success of any business in the small arms field.

There is also no more distinguished qualification for an attorney to be able to succeed in the practice of intellectual property than having served a full two-year term as clerk to a judge at the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: the court with exclusive appellate jurisdiction for all cases involving patents or trademarks. With that experience under his belt, the Managing Attorney is imminently qualified to serve all the intellectual property needs of your company in the vital work it performs for liberty and security.


Patent Portfolio Management

The patents that your firm holds, protecting the innovations you have developed over years of work and R&D investment, can simply be seen as inert, static sentinels, standing individually. However, with the proper orchestration of a patent portfolio, the collection of your intellectual property can serve as a dynamic and supple resource that cooperates in achieving your business goals. Whether seeking out potential infringement from competitors or the government, serving as leverage in negotiation or against possible litigation and challenge, or supporting comprehensive licensing agreements, the various patents your company holds - and the interplay between them - can be a powerful tool in your success.

With the seasoned, even hand of an experienced intellectual property attorney guiding your use of the various patents you control, your portfolio can not only accomplish tactical gains for your business, but can become a strategic force undergirding your success in the market. Joe’s qualifications speak for themselves in this field, and he can craft your portfolio into both a sword and shield, with which your competitors will have to reckon.

Intellectual Property Litigation

There is likely no higher-stakes endeavor for a business than engaging in litigation concerning patent validity, infringement, confidential business methods, trademarks, or trade secrets. Year after year, verdicts in patent infringement cases for successful plaintiffs and counter-claimants continue to break records for civil damages, and in the IP-heavy world of small arms and ammunition design, the opportunities seem without limit. From the obvious collection of damages against infringing competitors or compulsory licensing fees from the government, to the less-publicized invalidation of competitors’ patents and deterrent effect against infringement or challenge, patent litigation can be a tool of unrivaled power in your business’s quest for success.

It just so happens that there is no better environment for exposure to and experience in intellectual property litigation than the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and in his two years clerking there, the Managing Attorney worked countless such cases, many concerning small arms and ammunition patents. From claim construction in Markman hearings to jury bifurcation and the preservation of objections for appeal, Joe knows the ins and outs of trial-level IP practice. Moreover, with his unique professional experience, to say nothing of his deep understanding of all aspects of small arms technology, the appellate level of patent litigation is one where the Managing Attorney stands as a uniquely-qualified practitioner.

Trademark Law

While often overlooked next to the glamorous and often-cutthroat world of patent litigation, the establishment, maintenance, and protection of trademarks are as critical to businesses in the small arms industry as they are in any other. It is through the brand that your firm has worked to establish that your customers know you, and it is through this medium that your reputation spreads and new customers find you.

From the registration of your trademark to the protection of established brand symbols of yours, and litigation concerning them through the appellate level - coincidentally taking place at the Federal Circuit - the Managing Attorney’s experience in the trademark field can serve your business interests in a sustainable and long-term way, all comprising can be a key part of your outfit’s success.