Government Contracting in Small Arms

A Supply-Hungry Small Arms Customer: the Federal Government

The cornerstone and strategic mission of many of history’s most successful small arms firms has been the marketing of their wares to the government of the United States for military and law enforcement purposes. A successful sale to the federal government, the official type designation of a company’s wares as standard-issue, and the long-running supply contracts that come from it have often been the holy grail for companies in the small arms business, and knowing how the law and regulations of federal acquisition operate is indispensable to making such a coup happen.

It just so happens that in addition to serving at the Federal Circuit, which handles matters other than patent appeals, like government contract disputes, in the Managing Attorney’s boutique-firm days, he worked primarily with federal government contracts, usually in the defense sector. Just as he lives and breathes the ITAR, EAR, and USMIL today, for many years one of the main focuses of Joe’s work on a daily basis was the Federal Acquisition Regulations. From IDIQ contracts to emergency acquisitions, Joe has been there, done that, and gone back again more times than he can count in the field of government contracts.

Litigation and Disputes in Federal Acquisition

While both the government and private contractors always hope that business goes off without a hitch, disputes arise in government contacts, and when they do, having a lawyer backing you who is intimately familiar with the practice, both at the trial and appellate levels, of suits against the federal government concerning contracts is just what you need.

Between his service in the federal appeals court that exercises exclusive jurisdiction over government contract appeals and his representation of private firms from the trial level to appellate review while in private practice, the Managing Attorney has both utilized the finest points of rarified appellate practice, and also gotten his hands dirty in dispute resolution, pretrial negotiation, and trial-level litigation in all manner of federal contracting disputes.

From bid protests and grant reviews to debarment proceedings and agency audits, Joe has your firm covered in the highly-competitive and -profitable world of federal procurement law.