Ammunition Development


Innovation in the Ammunition Field

While firearms and their attendant parts and accessories are heavily regulated, the design, production, and sale of ammunition and its components are also subject to a variety of legislation and regulation. Though often overlooked, these forms of oversight and control are just as important to understand, for what is a firearm other than a launcher for an effective projectile? It is the bullet, slug, or shot that does the actual work.

These frameworks govern every aspect of the ammunition business, from the shape, material, comparative weight, and size of bullets to what types of loaded ammunition may be imported, exported, and sold to the general populace. Both various federal (not to mention many, many state) laws and the Code of Federal Regulations concern themselves with what individual loads, designations, and types of ammunition may be traded, sold by firearms dealers, sold or possessed at all, or even imported into the United States.

Luckily for anyone in the ammunition business - whether mass-producing rounds, manufacturing components for handloading, or innovating new designs of any of the component parts that make up a loaded small arms cartridge - the Managing Attorney is well-versed in all aspects of the law and regulation that apply to ammunition, having worked extensively on one of the most important ammunition-design cases to be adjudicated by the federal courts in decades.

He is also an avid handloader, and loves comparing recipes, techniques, and results with friends and clients!