Legal Advice and Site Contents

First, thank you so much for visiting the website of The Law Office of Joseph P. Evans, PLC (“The Firm”). Your use of this website constitutes your agreement to the terms and conditions of the disclaimer that follows, as well as the privacy policy.

The contents of this website are provided for informational purposes only, and nothing found here should be considered to be legal advice. Every legal situation encountered by every person is unique and based on its own specific set of facts, and so all legal advice must be personalized to that individual situation. Do not make a legal decision about whether to do something or refrain from doing something based on what is found on this site; only do so after receiving personalized legal advice.

While the Firm would be honored to form an attorney-client relationship with you to serve your legal needs after a free consultation about your situation, viewing this website or making contact via email, phone, or the contact form on this website does not create any such relationship.

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This website may contain information about individual or specific case results. Just as every person’s legal situation is unique to its own set of facts, every outcome to such situation is specific to its set of facts, and so inferences or expectations about an outcome to one’s own legal situation cannot be reached based on these reported results, and the results should not be used in this way. These are not intended to convey, and do not convey a guarantee of any particular outcome to any specific person and his or her legal situation.

Some jurisdictions may consider the contents of this site to constitute legal advertising material. The attorney responsible for this material is Joseph P. Evans, Esq., the managing attorney of the Firm.


Joseph P. Evans is an active member in good standing of the Bars of the States of North Carolina and Maryland, and the Commonwealth of Virginia, and as such the Firm offers services to clients in these states. As most of the subject matter areas in which the Managing Attorney practices are subject to federal law, the Firm provides services in them to clients in any state or country.