Privacy Policy

The protection of the privacy of all clients, as well as visitors to this website, is of paramount importance to The Law Office of Joseph P. Evans, PLC (“The Firm”). Here, you will see the policies of how the Firm collects information, what it collects, how it uses the information, and how it safeguards the information.


All collected information is safeguarded using industry standard technology and methods - electronic and manual - for keeping it private and confidential. Data are securely backed up electronically and in physical storage, and only the Managing Attorney of the Firm or his designated and supervised representatives have access to them.

Information Collected

The Firm may collect some basic non-personal information, like domain name, browser type, operating system, IP Address, how a user found the site, and which pages a user has accessed. All this information does is provide the IP address from which a user has accessed the site, what type of Internet browser and operating system was used, how users find the website, and where they went, once they were on the website.

Information a user provides by following the contact instructions or form on the website is collected and securely retained for preparing potentially to represent that client, for making sure there are no conflicts or legal bars to representation, and other basic business purposes.

By contacting the Firm, the user agrees that the Firm may later contact users via email concerning new services, changes to the privacy policy, surveys, or other matters.


The Firm may use "cookies" on its website. A cookie is a piece of data stored on a site visitor's hard drive to help a website improve user access and identify repeat visitors. Cookies can be used to identify a previous visitor or to track and target the interests of users, all aimed at improving visitor experiences.

Cookies do not contain personalized information about who is using the site, and so visitors cannot be personally identified by cookies.


The Firm does not ever sell or share any user information to be used in third-party marketing, and only shares with private third parties for internal business purposes like credit card billing through a third-party billing provider, electronic secure data backup through a service provider, etc.

The Firm will provide information to legal authorities when such is required by law to cooperate in an investigation of unlawful activity; to protect the interests of clients; to comply with applicable law and regulations; to prevent or investigate the illegal or fraudulent misuse of the Firm, its services, or its website; or to protect and defend the rights and property of the Firm and its website.

However, any information-sharing conducted with authorities will be performed in the narrowest means practicable and only to the extent required by law or regulation, and not beyond that extent.