Reprsentative Matters


As can be expected, given the Managing Attorney’s extensive experience in so many fields of the law, he has enjoyed the good fortune to work many notable and influential cases. While many of these matters were (and some still are) subject to secrecy rules and protective orders, quite a few may be discussed publicly, in whole or in part. A small selection of these follows:

  • Non-Prosecution Agreement Negotiation, Compliance, and Implementation: Negotiated an NPA between the federal government and a major defense contractor, guided and oversaw the implementation of its procedures, and prepared the annual compliance reports to satisfy the obligations under the Agreement.

  • Compulsory Licensing of Small Arms Patents: Worked a case involving the U.S. Department of Defense’s use of a prominent firearms and ammunition firm’s proprietary designs, and the liability and damages arising from the government’s compulsory license.

  • Constitutional Law at SCOTUS: Served as of-counsel on an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States on a case concerning compensation for a taking by the federal government under the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

  • Insurance Law: Represented one of the largest national insurance companies in the negotiation and issuance of policies and sureties for large-scale federal government contract projects.

  • Military Base Construction: Represented a defense contractor in a financing dispute concerning its construction of American and Coalition military bases in Afghanistan.

  • Small Arms Intellectual Property: Served as expert witness to a major American firearms firm in a suit concerning the alleged infringement of patents covering various small arms designs.